Each category archive page has its own unique address.
If you wish to find out what that adress is,do the following:
- Go to Dashboard -> Posts -> Categories.
- Once you've reached this page, look for the desired category in the category list.
- Take note of the text found under the desired category's "Slug" column.
The link to the category archive page would then be "http://yourwebsite.ca/category/slug" where "yourwebsite.ca" is replaced with your site's URL (address) and "slug" is replaced with your category's "Slug" that you took note of earlier.
If you have a website (with a "http://yourwebsite.ca" URL) where one of the categories is "Apple", and that category's slug is "apple", you can link to that category's archive page by going to "http://yourwebsite.ca/category/apple". This page will return a list of posts categorized as "Apple".