The Global Theme Options are available to users that have administrative access to two or more sites that utilize the UBC Collab theme.
The Global Theme Options offer the following 6 options: Custom CSS, Custom Javascript, Custom Navigation, Custom Prepend to Navigation, Custom Append to Navigation, and CLF Unit Footer Textarea.
You may choose to save these settings on the multiple sites that you have administrative access to.
Custom CSS
Insert the CSS code that you wish to apply to multiple sites in this textbox.
Custom Javascript
Enter the Javascript that you wish to apply to multiple sites in this textbox.
Custom Navigation
Inserting HTML here will result in the HTML content appearing between the header and the top navigation menu bar.
Custom Prepend to Navigation
Inserting HTML here will result in the HTML content appearing on the left-hand side of the top navigation menu bar.
Custom Append to Navigation
Inserting HTML here will result in the HTML content appearing on the right-hand side of the top navigation menu bar.
CLF Unit Footer Textarea
Inserting HTML here will result in the HTML content appearing below the contact information of the footer.