UBC Delicious Search Plugin
This plugin allows you to search as well as filter from a publicly available accessible delicious account.
This plugin requires the use of multiple shortcode to achieve the funcitonality of being able to search and filter a delicious account links.
The required shortcode is:
The optinal shortcodes are:
Extra shortcodes:
- All shortcode attributes in the following section with * is a required field for that particular shortocde.
- all default value are shown in the code sample.
[ubc_delicious_results limit=20 defaulttag='' defaultuser='' useor='false' view='list' sort='rank' pagination=0]
This is a required shortcode, for if it is not on the page, how does the results know where to show up? It also sets a bunch of required fields that the other shortcode uses.
- limit - (integer)number which determines the number of results returned, up to a max of 20 (sorry, don't understand pagination in the undocumented delicious search api)
- defaulttag - (string)tag string which determines what is initially queried when page loads
- defaultuser* - (string)determines which account gets queried, if left blank the query will fail
- useor -
- false - (default) all tags will be combined in a “and” query
- true - all tags will be “or’d”
- view -
- list - (default)displays results in a unordered list (aliases include list_unordered)
- list_ordered - displays results in an ordered list
- links - displays anchors separated by br tag
- sort - what kind of sorting to the returned results will be applied to
- rank - (default)displays results sorted by top saved link in delicious
- alpha - display results sorted alphabetically by link title
- none - displays results ordered by whatever is sent to the plugin from delicious
- showcomments - shows the comments of each resource pulled from delicious
- true - (default)either the string true or anything but the string false will display the comments of each delicious resource
- false - either the string false or empty string will produce a false result
- pagination - sets up pagination where you specify how many to show per page. (# pages = limit / pagination)
[ubc_delicious_search placeholder="Search Words" submittext="Submit" resettext="Reset" searchtitle="Search" extraclasses="" buttonclasses="" userreset="true"]
This shortcode is used to create the search area, which can contain checkboxes/dropdowns (both optional off course!).
- placeholder - (string)text to display in the placeholder attribute
- submittext - (string)text to display on submit button
- resettext - (string)text to display on reset button
- searchtitle - (string)text to display above entire search area
- extraclasses - (string)classes to be append to the div containing the search input area
- butonclasses - (string) classes to be appended to the submit and reset buttons eg. “btn btn-primary”
- usereset -
- true - (default)the reset button will appear
- false - there will be no reset button
[ubc_delicious_dropdown useshowall="Show All" optionslist="" defaultoption="" optiontitle="" extraclasses=""]
This shortcode is used to create a dropdown of tags and allows the selection of only one tag at a time from a list of tags.
- useshowall -
- string - (default)will display the string passed to this attribute
- false/empty string - will make it so that show all will not be an option
- optionslist* - takes a comma separated list of values, where values can be in one of 3 forms (mixed value formats allowed)
- value - it will use this value as the value of the dropdown option as well as label
- value::label - it will use the value as value and label as label
- value::label::option - it will use the value as value, label as label, and option can be "disabled" to disable the option
- defaultoption - (string)will set the initial select option whose value matches this attribute
- optiontitle - (string)text to display the label of the dropdown
- extraclasses - (string)classes to be append to the div containing the search input area
[ubc_delicious_checkbox optionslist="" defaultoption="" optiontitle="" extraclasses=""]
This shortcode is used to create a list of checkboxes of tags to allow users to select multiple tags at once.
- optionslist* - takes a comma separated list of values, where values can be in one of 3 forms (mixed value formats allowed)
- value - it will use this value as the value of the dropdown option as well as label
- value::label - it will use the value as value and label as label
- value::label::option - it will use the value as value, label as label, and option can be "disabled" to disable the option
- defaultoption - (string)will set the initial select option whose value matches this attribute
- optiontitle - (string)text to display the label of the dropdown
- extraclasses - (string)classes to be append to the div containing the search input area
[ubc_delicious_results_once limit=20 defaulttag='' defaultuser='' useor='false' view='list' sort='rank']
This is an extra shortcode to allow multiple instances of unfilterable and unsearchable results area on a single page.
- limit - (integer)number which determines the number of results returned, up to a max of 200
- defaulttag - (string)tag string which determines what is initially queried when page loads
- defaultuser* - (string)determines which account gets queried, if left blank the query will fail
- useor -
- false - (default) all tags will be combined in a “and” query
- true - all tags will be “or’d”
- view -
- list - (default)displays results in a unordered list (aliases include list_unordered)
- list_ordered - displays results in an ordered list
- links - displays anchors separated by br tag
- sort - what kind of sorting to the returned results will be applied to
- rank - (default)displays results sorted by top saved link in delicious
- alpha - display results sorted alphabetically by link title
- none - displays results ordered by whatever is sent to the plugin from delicious
- showcomments - shows the comments of each resource pulled from delicious
- true - (default)either the string true or anything but the string false will display the comments of each delicious resource
- false - either the string false or empty string will produce a false result
- all pages that use search/checkbox/dropdown must have only one [ubc_delicious_results]
- any filtering shortcodes (search/checkbox/dropdown) can be used by itself
- if you want to combine search with filtering shortcodes (dropdown/checkbox), then put it inside the search shortcode
- [ubc_delicious_results_once] can be used as many times as you want on a page
[ubc_delicious_search extraclasses="span4" buttonclasses="btn btn-primary" placeholder="Search Terms" searchtitle="Resource Search"] [ubc_delicious_dropdown extraclasses="span4" optiontitle="Availability" optionslist="CWL::UBC Only, Public"] [ubc_delicious_checkbox extraclasses="span4" optiontitle="Media Format" optionslist="Video, Journal Article, Worksheet, Lecture::Lexxy, eBook Chapter" defaultoption="Journal Article, Lecture"] [/ubc_delicious_search] [ubc_delicious_results defaultuser='eubc' defaulttag='Customer Search and Validation' limit=10 sort="rank"]
[ubc_delicious_checkbox extraclasses="span4" optiontitle="Media Format" optionslist="Video, Journal Article, Worksheet, Lecture::Lexxy, eBook Chapter" defaultoption="Journal Article, Lecture"] [ubc_delicious_results defaultuser='eubc' defaulttag='Customer Search and Validation' limit=10 sort="rank"]
[ubc_delicious_results_once limit=20 defaultuser="eubc" defaulttag="eBook Chapter"] [ubc_delicious_results_once limit=20 defaultuser="eubc" defaulttag="customer retention, get/keep/grow"]
Rules of Engagement:
The [ubc_delicious_results] shortcode is meant for only one use per page (Fun results will ensue if you try more than one!)